

Cross-Country Road Trip: Day Eight, 8/22/12

This, Day 6, was a great day. After we left Boulder, Co, we headed toward Colorado Springs to meet my good friend from high school, Shannon. The sights, the mountains, were absolutely stunning. Hues of purple. The grasses and shrubs--bright green.

We met Shannon at a barbecue joint called Front Range on West Colorado Ave, with claim to the best sliders in the state. 

After a close look at the menu, sliders were the last thing on my mind. I'm a huge sucker for slow roast, so the pulled pork it was. That is, with two side choices. Two? Why stop there. How could I refuse the onion straws, in addition to half of the things on the menu. Good thing the fiance and I split this tasty dish. Front Range Barbecue is highly recommended.

One of my biggest requests was to go camping at least once during the trip. I hadn't been camping since my 21st birthday. In other words, far too long. So, camping is what we set out to do. Since there wasn't a shortage of beautiful land in Colorado, we just drove until we couldn't any longer. We were in no rush to stop.

As the sun started to go down, we pulled into the Rio Grande National Forest Campground: Park Creek. Seventeen dollars later, we set up our tent, attempted (I repeat *attempted*) a camp fire, and ate our dinner at the picnic table with the pups by our feet. 

How did the rest of the night end? Hilariously, that's how. The air mattress we slept on began to deflate. I... I was in the middle, sandwiched between two dogs and a bearded fellow. The mattress caved in, and I was swallowed. At approximately 3am. This was my first meeting with claustrophobia, and we dare not face again.

The morning (after we fully deflated the mattress) was incredibly beautiful. We woke next to a stream, which T.C. hiked along and across with the pups. A perfect start to the day. That is, the best day of the entire trip.

  • Colorado
  • Colorado Springs, CO
  • South Fork, CO

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Beautiful Jen! The blow up mattress part is the least now that you can look back on it! And I love the look of your site..have you changed it? After spending hours on wordpress, trying to find a theme for our blog, I am completely unsatisfied...looks like I should have chosen Blogger!

Hey there! Thanks for the sweet comment! And yes, the air mattress is pretty hilarious now. I get a few kicks out of it :o) I have changed the site around a bit and still plan to. I don't blame you for being frustrated. It's a challenging process. I first had a Tumblr, but then switched to Blogger, because of their features (e.g., statistics on audience, etc.). It took me at least two months to get the site to where it is now. I am by no means an expert in this, but if you have any questions just let me know. Hugs to you and Jon. I hope you both are doing well!

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I'm just a girl who loves food, drink, and sharing what tastes right. Some people say I think about food as often as guys are said to think about.... Well, you get the picture. Very seldom am I able to stick to a recipe. If I use someone else's, keep your eyes peeled for some of my own tweaks. I have a sweet tooth, and I like my butter. If I feel so inclined, I'll add a little extra something.

My furry-faced fiance, T.C., will give ratings (e.g., 4 out of 5 beards, or "stars") for each dish.

Feel free to experiment with me. "Re-learn to taste."


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