

Blueberries, Peaches, and Cream

One of the freshest breakfast dishes I can think of for a hot summer morning.


1/2 pint blueberries
1/2 ripe peach, sliced
1/4 c. half and half, or heavy cream for a richer taste
1 tbsp. white, granulated sugar 

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I'm just a girl who loves food, drink, and sharing what tastes right. Some people say I think about food as often as guys are said to think about.... Well, you get the picture. Very seldom am I able to stick to a recipe. If I use someone else's, keep your eyes peeled for some of my own tweaks. I have a sweet tooth, and I like my butter. If I feel so inclined, I'll add a little extra something.

My furry-faced fiance, T.C., will give ratings (e.g., 4 out of 5 beards, or "stars") for each dish.

Feel free to experiment with me. "Re-learn to taste."


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