

White Wine Sangria

Very few cocktails say summer like sangria. I understand that many people aren't huge fans of the drink, because of the inclusion of wine. If this is the case for you, feel free to add about 8 ounces of peach nectar to the mix; this should sweeten things up a bit--providing an additional fruity flavor--and reduce the bite of the wine.


1 bottle dry white wine
2 shots white rum
1 liter club soda, divided
8 ounces peach nectar (optional)
3 tbsp. sugar
2 ripe peaches, pitted and wedged
1 lime, seeded and wedged
1 lemon, seeded and wedged
1 pear, seeded and wedged
1 Golden Delicious apple, seeded and wedged
1 Fuji apple
1 pint raspberries

Slice, seed (or pit), and wedge all fruit (with the exception of the raspberries, of course). Add to a large pitcher.

Add the two shots of white rum over the fruit in the pitcher.

Add the sugar to the fruit.

Pour about half of the club soda bottle into the pitcher over the sugar and fruit. Starting to look a little irresistible, right?

Pour the entire bottle of wine into the pitcher.

Chill for several hours to let the flavors combine and produce the optimal fruity flavor.

Pour the wine over spooned fruit, in a glass or goblet. Top off the sangria with a little additional club soda to add a splash of fizz. Serve immediately.

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I'm just a girl who loves food, drink, and sharing what tastes right. Some people say I think about food as often as guys are said to think about.... Well, you get the picture. Very seldom am I able to stick to a recipe. If I use someone else's, keep your eyes peeled for some of my own tweaks. I have a sweet tooth, and I like my butter. If I feel so inclined, I'll add a little extra something.

My furry-faced fiance, T.C., will give ratings (e.g., 4 out of 5 beards, or "stars") for each dish.

Feel free to experiment with me. "Re-learn to taste."


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